hello bada lovers.. how are you ? are you fine ? ok on this time
i would like to explain HOW TO EDIT ICON in FILE RBM for RC1.
yes, it is indead so usefull for our mobile, we can edit frame
of massage like a face there eye atc. or we can edit the virtual
keypad massage or call. the mean we can edit file icon in file rbm
ok before we start you must have equipment to edit that. prepare this :
1. wave remaker :download
i would like to explain HOW TO EDIT ICON in FILE RBM for RC1.
yes, it is indead so usefull for our mobile, we can edit frame
of massage like a face there eye atc. or we can edit the virtual
keypad massage or call. the mean we can edit file icon in file rbm
ok before we start you must have equipment to edit that. prepare this :
1. wave remaker :download