iPhone 4 Gyroscope - Teardown to the Silicon
Reviewed by Ikmalil Birri on
Rating: 4.5
iPhone 4 Gyroscope - Teardown to the Silicon
Oleh Ikmalil Birri
Apple first announced the iPhone 4's gyroscope at WWDC 2010, but it was largely overshadowed by other big players inside the phone -- the A4 processor, Retina display, and external antennas. A lot of technology gets stuffed into vibrational gyroscopes (the type found in the iPhone 4), yet a casual observer may barely notice the chip itself, let alone the phenomenal contents within it. iFixit and
Description: iPhone 4 Gyroscope - Teardown to the Silicon
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: Ikmalil Birri
ItemReviewed: iPhone 4 Gyroscope - Teardown to the Silicon
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