Nokia 5730 SIM card assembly connection - Test spots for troubleshooting Reviewed by Ikmalil Birri on 23:27 Rating: 4.5

Nokia 5730 SIM card assembly connection - Test spots for troubleshooting

The SIM Card circuit of Nokia 5730 Xpressmusic, this guide can be used to troubleshoot and repair Insert SIM Card problem when occurs. The SIM card connection is rarely the same as of some any Nokia mobile phones handsets, The 5730 does not have a SIM filter IC unlike others do have.

The SIM data, clock and reset signals is feeds directly from the PMIC (power ic) located at the right bottom of Description: Nokia 5730 SIM card assembly connection - Test spots for troubleshooting Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Ikmalil Birri ItemReviewed: Nokia 5730 SIM card assembly connection - Test spots for troubleshooting

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