HTC Incredible S Soft/Hard Reset, Reformat to Factory Settings Reviewed by Ikmalil Birri on 20:02 Rating: 4.5

HTC Incredible S Soft/Hard Reset, Reformat to Factory Settings

This is a step by step instruction on how to Factory Reset and Hard Reset the HTC incredible S from HTC support.

Restarting your HTC Incredible S phone (soft reset)
If the phone is runa slower than normal, an application is not performing properly, or your phone becomes unresponsive, just try restarting your phone and see if that helps solve the problem.

To restart your phone, simply turn it Description: HTC Incredible S Soft/Hard Reset, Reformat to Factory Settings Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Ikmalil Birri ItemReviewed: HTC Incredible S Soft/Hard Reset, Reformat to Factory Settings

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