how to get COMPASS in samsung galaxy young without downloading Reviewed by Ikmalil Birri on 11:17 Rating: 4.5

how to get COMPASS in samsung galaxy young without downloading

Assalamu'alaikum WR. WB
how are you all? whether you are looking for in the COMPASS application medownload android phone with?

COMPASS was actually already exist in samsung itself. and this has been tried in samsung galaxy young. but if on the other hp gk know how. want to know how lihatdi below:

  1. open your samsung android
  2. open the Keyboard
  3. write * # 0 * #
  4. came the LCD menu TEST
  5. select one. to exit compass.
  6. if mw again press the center button

    ok thank
    Good luck
    Description: how to get COMPASS in samsung galaxy young without downloading Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Ikmalil Birri ItemReviewed: how to get COMPASS in samsung galaxy young without downloading

    writed by : Ikmalil Birri

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