Apple iPhone 4 Disassemble Instruction Guide Reviewed by Ikmalil Birri on 21:55 Rating: 4.5

Apple iPhone 4 Disassemble Instruction Guide

The phone uses the 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 core, much like its bigger sibling, the iPad.

 * Unlike the iPhone 3GS and iPad -- which are both equipped with 256 MB of RAM -- the iPhone 4 has a whopping 512 MB.

 * The AGD1 is the new 3 axis gyroscope that we believe is designed and manufactured by ST Micro for Apple. The package marks on this device do not appear to be the currently available
Description: Apple iPhone 4 Disassemble Instruction Guide Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Ikmalil Birri ItemReviewed: Apple iPhone 4 Disassemble Instruction Guide
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