In this project, I have connected an Arduino to my computer and used a photoresistor to control an animation on the screen. Other sensors could have been used, but I chose a photoresistor because it feels like magic!!
The photoresistor responds to changes in ambient light as my hand moves up and down. The Arduino sends the reading to a Processing sketch on the computer via a Serial command (through the USB cable). The processing sketch interprets the signal from the Arduino and selects the appropriate picture to display.
I took a series of screenshots from the following YouTube video: And after borrowing a bit of code from these sites (1,2), the project was born. This idea is not new, nor my own. There are many people who have done this project before, but I thought to blog about how I have done it, just for fun.
The Project Movie
Components Required
Arduino Uno (and associated software), and USB cable
//auto-adjust the minimum and maximum limits in real time if(minLight>lightLevel){ minLight=lightLevel; } if(maxLight<lightLevel){ maxLight=lightLevel; }
//Map the light level to produce a result between 1 and 28. adjustedLightLevel = map(lightLevel, (minLight+20), (maxLight-20), 1, 28); adjustedLightLevel = constrain (adjustedLightLevel, 1,28);
/*Only send a new value to the Serial Port if the adjustedLightLevel value changes.*/ if(oldLightLevel==adjustedLightLevel){ //do nothing if the old value and the new value are the same. }else{ //Update the oldLightLevel value for the next round oldLightLevel=adjustedLightLevel;
/*Send the adjusted Light level result to Serial port (processing)*/ Serial.println(adjustedLightLevel); } }
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; String sensorReading="";
// Create the array that will hold the images PImage[] movieImage = new PImage[29];
/* The frame variable is used to control which image is displayed */ int frame = 1;
/* Setup the size of the window. Initialise serial communication with Arduino and pre-load the images to be displayed later on. This is done only once. I am using COM6 on my computer, you may need replace this value with your active COM port being used by the Arduino.*/
void setup(){ size(700,600);
myPort = new Serial(this, "COM6", 9600); myPort.bufferUntil('\n');
you are reading post about Jumper: Arduino controlled animation which writed by malikmal with about : and sorry, you haven't permittion to copy paste this post and upload back my file !.
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